Let's start with Labor Day weekend we had a great time visiting with Jimmie and Jamie (Eddie's brother and his Girlfriend) on Friday evening and Saturday. Friday we hung out at the campground with Eddie's parents and Jamie Alison and I went to the Ice Cream Social, that Eddie's Mom runs at the park, Yummy! Saturday we headed into the Old Port for some lunch and shopping. After that we headed back to the campground for some dinner and then back to our house saturday night. Jimmie and Jamie stayed with us Sat. night which Alison loved. She had lots of fun jumping on the bed with Aunt Jamie. It's really funny though, Alison loves Jamie but is super shy around Jimmie, the week before they came she had been talking about how Uncle Jimmie was coming and how she wanted to go "bluebaby and strawbaby picking with unca Jimmie" but when she actually gets to see him she won't even go near him it's really funny. Anyways it was a great visit and we hope to see them again next month at Alsion's Birthday Party. Here are some pictures of their visit.
After Jimmie and Jamie left on Sunday, we spent the rest of the day just cleaning straightening and working and on Monday headed over to the Plummer's house for a bike ride and a cookout. Eddie pulled Alison and Payson in our bike trailer, it was Payson's first time in the trailer and it started off great they loved it, but when we stopped to turn around, Payson was getting a little fussy so Sarah got her out to hold her for a minute and when it was time to get her back in the trailer to head back she did not want to get in. So the ride back was filled with lots of screaming. Payson was screaming because she wanted out and Alison was screaming because Payson was. Lucky it wasn't a very long bike ride. After the ride we headed back to the Plummer's for some lunch and the girls' naps. After Naps we headed back out side for some more play time. Here are some pictures of our day at the Plummer's.
The girls getting ready for their ride
All ready to go.
Alison had to get a quick drink after all that screaming
The girls on the slide, it's so funny. It seems like yesterday that this slide was big for them and now they consider this a small slide.
Payson on the "small slide"
Chalk fun. Alison loves playing with sidewalk chalk.
Her favorite thing to do with the chalk is trace everyone's feet. It's really cute.
Here are some other pictures from the weekend
Mommy and Ali after bathtime.
bedtime story with daddy. I love this picture.

Alison's nightly ritual with Daddy. Daddy lays down and Alison comes running over and jumps on his belly and gives him a big hug. It's really cute now but we'll see how cute it is when she gets bigger.
Dress up with daddy.
Here are some other pictures from the weekend
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