The weekend of the 12-14 we stayed home and did much needed house work and basement work. Sunday our Friend's Kate and her Daughter Julie came over to play. It was great to see them again. The girl had a blast playing with all Ali's toys and books. Although I didn't get any pictures of that play date here are some pictures from our weekend.
The weekend of the 19-21 we stayed home Saturday and Waterproofed the deck. Yipee. and then headed to the Cumberland Fair on Sunday morning. Where we ran into the Plummer's and Sarah's Mom and Sister. It was nice to see them again. We miss seeing them like we used too. This summer has been so busy for both of us and we haven't been able to get together much. Hopefully we'll be able to see them more this fall. The girls had a great time together like always. Alison liked seeing all the animals but wanted nothing to do with touching them. And she really loved a stop at the Maple Sugar shack displace where we go Ice cream with Maple syrup on top. She doesn't get treats like this very often, so when she does it's a really big treat. She was making me and Eddie laugh so hard, cause after every bite she would say mmmm... and she was doing it a way that I don't even think she knew she was doing it. It was soooo funny. After seeing all the Animals and ice cream we headed back home for Nap and for an evening of watching the last ever game at Yankee's Stadium with Eddie's parents. Here are some pictures of our weekend.
This past weekend the 26-28 Eddie and I had our first date night in 2 years to celebrate our 5 year anniversary, yeah that's right, it was our first real date night, other than attending weddings. It was great! We got tickets to STOMP, which was awesome. We loved it. After that we headed to dinner and then to a bar. It was really nice to be just the two of us. As for Alison she contracted Hand Foot and Mouth the week before from Daycare so she was feeling pretty junky all week but by the weekend she was feeling a lot better and Saturday night finally slept through the night for the first time in over a week. But she is all better now and is back at daycare today. The whole weekend was pretty rainy here due to Huricane Kyle and since Alison was still contagious to little ones we stayed home Sunday and did arts and crafts, dress-up and went for a rainy walk (all big time favorites right know). Here are some pictures of the weekend.