This weekend was busy like most. Saturday AM we went to a indoor kids consignment sale in Wells with the Plummer's. It was pretty good, we bought a bunch of clothes, books and shoes. It wasn't that big but still worth going. After the sale we took the girls (Alison and Payson) to the playground. They had a blast on the swings and running around on the way to the cars. After the sale and playground we headed back to the Plummer's house for some lunch and then outside in the yard to play for a little bit. They where so funny on the climbing toy. They would both stand up there and jump up and down, they thought it was so fun. It was really cute. Once they were done with that Alison introduced Payson to puddle stomping (always a big hit).

We then went in for naps which ended up being a fight since they both have different ways of going down. When Alison is over tired she has to cry herself to sleep for a few minutes so every time Alison cried, Payson would wake up and then Payson would cry and wake Alison back up. I just don't get how they do this at daycare when they are in the same room. Crazy kids. After nap the girls had a lovely outdoor snack on the Plummer's back deck, it was beautiful outside.

Since it was so nice out, when the girls finished their snack we took the girls for a wagon ride on the Mountain Division trail. Which was a great way to enjoy the weather and to let the dogs run free, which they definitely needed. We ended Saturday with a very yummy grilled dinner, thanks Plummer's :)

Sunday we headed back to Windham for Owen's Birthday Party (Owen is the son of our Daycare provider, Nikki) He was turning 3 and they had a indoor soccer party at the high school. Alison and Payson showed up with their shin gaurds and all (which we got at the consignment sale). Alison had a blast running back and forth in the gym chasing the soccer ball and just being silly. Unfortunately I forgot my camera, but it was a lot of fun. Nikki made all the kids special t-shirts with their names on them, like jerseys and they each received a soccer ball to take home. Alison also loved seeing the new babies. Three of the families at daycare just had babies all within a few weeks of each other and Alison is at a stage now where she just adores babies real or not. It's really cute to see her with her dolls, she's like a little mommy. After the party we headed back home for lunch and to start to clean out the basement. We are finally on a mission to put our finished basement to use. Alison also helped me with the laundry. She loves pulling the clothes of the table once I've folded them and throughing them on the ground and then proceeds to climb on the table and take their spot. She is such a stinker, and she knows it.

On a stinkyer note, We also wanted to share that Alison is starting to use the potty! Not all the time but she is starting to make the connection. We have been putting her on the toilet before bath each night for a while now and every once in a while she would pee, but Wednesday night she pooped, I couldn't believe it, last night she pooped again and then this am as I was changing her diaper she said "I poop" which she has been saying for about a week now after she poops in her diaper, but this am she said it before so I brought her and and sure enough she pooped. Sorry to tell you the whole story but this is very exciting for us, after changing god knows how many diapers over the last 18 months, there looks to be a end in sight.
So that's it for now! I'm off to Yoga in a little bit. Hopefully I don't fall asleep again this week.