Here are some pictures of the "new" hit in our house. Alison's helmets. We got them on friday and have a had a lot of laughs since. And even though we have Alison, Milo's still part of the fun. doesn't he look thrilled. It was really funny because it was like he took on a different personality with each helmet.
Here is Alison With some crazy hair. It's finally long enough to put in a tiny pony tail, which she calls her "tail". And when I have my hair in a pony tail she calls it "mommy's tail". When I ask her if Daddy has a tail she just says "daddy's tail hide'n" I don't know where she got that from but it's pretty funny. But this is what her hair looks like after wearing a tail all day.
Here is old crazy hair using the potty and sucking on her toe. Is she talented or what. She could be in the circus!
Saturday morning I snuck out early to take a few pictures of the Lady Slippers we have in our yard, here are a couple of them. They are endangered flowers, but we seem to have about 8 or 9 of them on our yard. I was so excited to get a few with the dragonfly on one of them.
Happy Ali ready to start the day on Sunday
Bubbles another big hit these days! She doesn't quite get that you can't put the wand in your mouth, so she usually gets a mouth full of soap. She doesn't seem to mind though.
Here she is Sunday have a blast digging in the dirt (which used to be our old garden, but will soon be Alison's sandbox)
That's it for now. I'll blog again next week. We are headed to NYC tomorrow for a long weekend to see a Yankees game so well have lots to blog about.
1 comment:
Love the pictures! Miss seeing you guys, let's get together for a playdate soon! Have fun in NY!!
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