So I went for my weekly Dr. appointment wednesday and my doctor looked at me and said "wow, I can't believe that that baby is going to stay in there for another 3.5 weeks" so she measured my belly and I measured 39 weeks, so she sent me for an ultrasound to see how big the baby was and to check my fluid levels. with the results of a baby the weighs 7lbs 15oz and an elevated level of fluid, which is not uncommon with a big baby. So since babies are supposed to gain .5 - 1lb a week we are looking at a 10 - 11lb baby. ouch! One good thing out of all this is that I do get to have an ultrasound ever week and see him, that's always so fun. Anyways here are some pictures of our big boy.

Great profile shot

Kind of scary from the front face shot.
If you look at this sideways you can see half of his face the other side is in shadow.

Foot shot (I love these pictures)

This was really neat. The lady switched it to 3D and was able to get a shot of his chubby feet with his little hand down there too. She tried to get his face but there was too much in the way. Maybe next time.

And finally the "No Doubt He's a Boy" shot.