Just a funny story that I have to share with all of you.
I'll start by saying to those of you who don't know that Eddie can be a very impatient driver and tends to say things like "Come on dude" to the other drivers. Well I think he says it more than he thought because the other day we were on our way to Daycare in the morning and Eddie had to stop and turn pretty abruptly and with out prompting Alison from the backseat says "aahh dude, come on dude" as her drink cup falls out of her lap. It was the funniest thing, we where dieing laughing. Eddie could not believe it.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
work, work, and more work
Well this past weekend was full of work. I have cut back a lot on my freelance work since having Alison and I try to only take on projects that I can get done on the weekends when I have time, But I took on this one job that is consuming way more time than normal, so I had to work far 4 hours on Sat and then another 5 hours on Sunday. I did manage to squeeze in a Annual trip to the Portland Side Walk Art show, a baby shower, and a trip to the playground on Saturday though. Pretty amazing how long the day is when you get up at 5. Sunday I worked in the morning while Eddie had his Fantasy Football draft, and Grammie watched Alison (We are so thankful to have Eddie's parents here. They have been so helpful watching Alison during the day and taking Milo when we are away). After Work I went into the campground to pick her up and then head home to put her down for a nap while me and Eddie went out back and hauled brush out of the wood to have the town chip for us, man that was a lot of work. I don't have any picture of this weekend. Just a note this time. This coming weekend Jimmie and Jamie (Eddie's brother and his girlfriend) are coming to visit so I'll get some pictures.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Camden Camping
We headed to Camden this past weekend for a little camping trip with the Plummers. It was a lot of fun, considering that Alison got sick with at fever and a rash and I got sick with a head cold which has since spend to my chest. But we did our best to enjoy our selves even though we had to leave early on Sunday to head back without doing any hiking. Alison was a trooper though, she did have a great time with her buddy Payson. The girls are so funny together. They really keep us laughing all the time. Here are some pictures of the weekend.
Alison all smiles on our way to go "campin with payson cummer" We are not sure why Alison calls her Payson Cummer, she can say the P in Payson but not in Plummer. It's pretty funny.She has been looking forward to this trip for a long time.
Breakfast in style with their matching plates and cups.
We actually didn't even plan that. Even though no one will believe me.
some kix and raisins before we head into town. One of Alisons favorites, if you couldn't tell.
What goes better with kix and raisins but a big hug from Aunt Sarah.
The Girls (as they call them at Daycare) acting silly jumping on a park bench in town
Could they be any cuter
Daddy and his girl
Family pic by the boats
A big hug for the big teddy
A quick stop to "mell the fowas"
Daddy's and their micro brews.
The girls and the hats. Not as cold as last year when we went camping but the Plummer's where extra prepared just in case.
Mommy and Ali on top of Mt. Battie
Alison on top of Mt. Battie
Alison on top of the world.
The Plummer's on top of Mt. Battie, Nice face Matt!
Daddy and Ali enjoying the view
The View
We actually didn't even plan that. Even though no one will believe me.
Friday, August 1, 2008
A great weekend in Cooperstown, NY
We made our annual trip to Copperstown this past weekend for the Baseball Hall of Fame Induction weekend. We had great time. The weather turned out great, considering we thought it was going to rain the whole time, according to the weather report we heard in Maine before we left. It only rained twice once in the middle of the night and another quick shower in the evening. So that was great. We decided to make our trip a little longer this year and decided to come up on Thursday and stay till Monday which I think worked out a lot better than last year. It was a more relaxing trip. We started each day with a trip to the golf course in the morning, however it was not for golfing but for autographs. A lot of the returning Hall of Famers come back Cooperstown for this weekend and play golf each morning. So we along with hundreds of other baseball fans stand along the rock wall around the golf course and try to get autographs from the players as they golf. Sounds kind of weird but it's actually really neat. Eddie and Alison and I have to split up in to 2 different spots because where Eddie goes is a little to dangerous for Alison because the people are pretty pushy so we go to a less agressive part. Eddie was able to get 7 and Alison and I only got 1 but it was fun trying. After a few hours of doing that each day we spent time walking through town, going to the museums, and swimming back at the campground. Alison's favorite part by far was our visit to the Farmer's Museum to see all the animals and ride on the carousel. Here are some pictures of our weekend.
Even though it rained the ride there we where able to catch a quick rainbow as we drove.
Had to put this in here. She is just so darn cute.
showing me her "fower" she picked at our campsite and telling me to "mel it"
Cooperstown has a beautiful waterfront so here we are looking at the ducks and huge fish.
Enjoying her ride on the trolley. They have trolleys that run all through the town. Alison called them "chareys". She loved them.
Enjoying the sun at the pool after a quick swim.
Smiles at our autograph wall
Eddie at his crazy autograph wall. He's the one with the 62 on the back of his shirt.
Snack break
a little snack in front of the Fenimore Art Museum
Waiting for our number to be called to get Ralph Branca's autograph
Daddy and Alison with Ralph Branca
Daddy and Alison in front of the Hall of Fame
Yogi Berra on the Golf Course.
Saying hi to Daisy at the Farmer's Museum.
Milking the cow. A fake cow that is.
notice that "baby" goes everywhere these days. It's really cute.
Drinking a home-made ice cream shake after learning how to make ice cream.
Petting Ella the 3 week old cow at the Farmer's Museum. Alison thought it was so funny when Ella licked her arm.
Looking cute at the Farm Museum
visiting with "Fine and Dandy" the baby goats
looking at the sheep
The first ride on the carousel.
After throwing an absolute fit because she wanted to go on again. Here she is on her second ride on the carousel. She loved it.
Eddie enjoying the sights in the Hall of Fame
Sitting like Baby. Check out her arms. God she cracks me up.
All smiles with baby in the Hall of Fame's "sandlot"
Our future Hall of Famer
Hope you enjoyed the pictures. We sure enjoyed taking them. It was a great trip and we can't wait to go next year.
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